The 6 Best Apps for Startups in 2024

Spike Team
By Spike Team, Updated on October 01, 2024, 3 min read
what are the best apps for starting a business

You’re lying in bed one day and it just hits you. You can’t believe no one has thought of it before. You jump on your laptop to double check, and sure enough, the signs are good. It’s a new idea.


A fresh perspective on the world. Rare as diamonds and just as valuable! But what will you do with your precious little seed? Start planning world domination of course! Build a business empire that will stand the test of time and give Apple and Google a run for their money!


However, before you get too carried away, it’s worth remembering that there’s a lot of hard work ahead. While having an exciting new idea is a great start, it’s rarely enough to ensure success. You need motivation, dedication, passion, and maybe just a little bit of technology.


Sadly, we can’t help you with the first three, but when it comes to tech, we know our stuff. Here then, we take a look at the best business startup apps and software to help you get your big idea off the ground.




6 Best Apps for Startups



1. WeFunder

There’s usually one overriding thought for anyone about to enter the startup world. Money. Getting your new business funded is the first major stepping stone on the road to success but finding someone willing to stump up the cash can be a huge challenge. Today, however, there are plenty of options out there to help you raise funds, including crowdsourcing platforms all the way through to Angel Investor apps for startups.


WeFunder is a good place to start, connecting all kinds of investors looking to be part of the next big thing. It’s quick and easy to set up a campaign and you can raise amounts from $20,000 to $50 million.

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Read more about Guy Gamzu, Angel investor, that uses Spike as a business chat to keep the lines of communication open.




2. SurveyMonkey

The customer is always right…..right? Well, whether or not you believe this sage piece of marketing advice, customer engagement and satisfaction is an important factor when building up your business.  SurveyMonkey is a genius piece of software for startups that brings together thousands of customizable survey templates, alongside useful analysis software such as data representation tools and bias elimination.


Use it to gauge how your idea or product might be received by your target market, gather data on user experience and satisfaction, and get access to real-world voices and opinions that will help your business adapt. The best part? It’s free and available on both iOS and Android.



3. GoodHire

At some point, you’re probably going to want to bring on a few employees. After all, there’s only so many 20-hour days anyone can work and remain sane. Finding the right employees, however, can be like finding a needle in a haystack. GoodHire is among the best apps for startups who need fresh blood.


It helps to screen potential employees and make sure you’re not about to hire a black sheep. It’s fast, reliable, and trustworthy, with full compatibility for both mobile and desktop.



4. GoCo

So you’ve found your perfect hire—committed, hardworking, LOVES your ideas. However, when it comes to HR, a thick fog of bureaucracy descends over your eyes and you just tune out. Thankfully, GoCo is just the app you need to make the onboarding process a breeze.


HR management software for startups doesn’t have to be complex, and GoCo allows you to intuitively onboard new employees, manage documents, and deal with holiday and sick leave. All your team’s data is accessible from a central hub and it connects with a whole host of other apps such as LinkedIn and GoodHire.




5. Gusto

All that talent comes at a price and ensuring everyone is paid in full (and on time) is crucial to keeping the best people on your books. Gusto can help you easily manage payroll and employee benefits, making it one of the best startup business apps for any growing team.


Accounting and time-tracking integrations are available so you can monitor expenses and hours worked, plus employees can access pay history and other important documentation online.




6. Spike

Here at Spike, we think there’s only one way to chat with colleagues, customers, and clients. Conversational Email. It’s made for new businesses, and it’s among the best apps for startups that need to communicate and collaborate in fresh and exciting ways. The last thing you want is for your big idea to be lost in endless email threads, useless headers and signatures, and you definitely don’t want your potential customers waiting for replies to their queries.


Spike can help. Including real-time email awareness and responsive group chats, you can bring your team together for creative collaboration and easily keep on top of customer communications. Spike is available on desktop, iOS, Android, and directly within your web browser. Check out the future of email and put your startup on the map.



7. factoHR

HR apps are the right choice for startups because they offer a comprehensive solution to manage various HR functions efficiently. factoHR app often include features such as payroll processing, benefits administration, time tracking, and employee onboarding.
From posting job advertisements to tracking applicants and scheduling interviews, an HR management app can manage the entire hiring process.


It enhances the recruitment strategy by offering tools that filter candidates based on predefined criteria, manage communications, and maintain a database of potential candidates for future opportunities. This centralized approach not only saves time but also helps in attracting the right talent efficiently.




Spike Team
Spike Team The Spike team posts about productivity, time management, and the future of email, messaging and collaboration.

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