Studies have shown that the first 90 days of a management role can significantly impact long-term success. According to a survey conducted by the Center for Creative Leadership, 40% of new leaders fail within their first 18 months.


However, those who effectively manage their transition period have a much higher chance of thriving in their role. As a renowned management consultant, Peter Drucker once said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” So, let’s get started and create a successful future for you as a leader!



Week-by-Week Guide to the First 90 Days as a Manager

This article will help you navigate through these initial months. We’ll take it week by week, discussing key topics, strategies, and actions that will help you grow and make a real impact.


So, let’s dive in and master your first 90 days together!



Week 1: Prepare Yourself 

Your first week is all about setting the groundwork for your new role. Take the time to get to know the company culture and values, understand how the organization is structured, and identify the key people you’ll be working with.


Don’t forget to schedule those introductory meetings with your team and colleagues to build connections and gain valuable insights.


As you review and internalize your role and responsibilities, you can hit the ground running. Keep an eye out for any early challenges and opportunities that arise, as they’ll help you determine where to focus your efforts in the coming weeks.


  • Understand company culture and values
  • Familiarize yourself with the organization’s structure and key stakeholders
  • Set up introductory meetings with your team and colleagues
  • Review and understand your role and responsibilities
  • Identify early challenges and opportunities


Do: Understand company culture and values.

Do: Familiarize yourself with the organization’s structure and key stakeholders.

Don’t: Make assumptions without seeking clarity and understanding.

Don’t: Rush into making changes before understanding the existing dynamics.


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